Studying how the environment impacts human health across the life course.


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Located at Johns Hopkins University in the department of Environmental Health and Engineering, the ECLIPSE Lab utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach to study how the environment impacts human health.

We fuse clinical translational research with environmental epidemiology, physiology, and omics’ research (e.g., microbiome, metabolome). Current research projects are working to fill critical gaps in our understanding of how environmental exposures affect the gut microbiome and disease risk, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.

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Environmental pollutants can contribute to adverse health outcomes.

The ECLIPSE Lab fuses clinical translational research with environmental epidemiology, physiology, and omics’ research methods. Our current research projects are working to fill critical gaps in our understanding of how environmental exposures affect human health in the context of biological responses.

Dr. Alderete’s overarching research goal is to reduce the burden of disease through mitigating harmful environmental exposures. Her research has examined the complex influence of physical activity, environmental exposures, diet, and the gut microbiome and metabolome on obesity and metabolic health across the life course.

Ongoing projects in the laboratory are designed to examine the influence of environmental exposures on the risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in early life. These projects are integrating multi-omics techniques to interrogate the mechanisms that underlie the harmful effects of environmental toxicants.

Current Projects

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Our current research projects are working to fill critical gaps in our understanding of how environmental exposures affect the gut microbiome and disease risk.

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